We have updated our software for the Mignonette V2.0!

Below is a collection of useful documents related to the Mignonette.

If you are looking for software or documentation for the older Mignonette V1.0, please go to the Mignonette V1.0 downloads page.

Please also see our programming page for instructions on how to program new firmware into your Mignonette.

1. Hardware
Schematic: mignonette_v2.0.pdf (schematic)

Board Layout: mignonette_v2.0-proto-pcb800.png (image).

Bill of Materials (BOM): mignonette_v2.1-easy-bom.txt (text file)

Detailed assembly instructions are here.
2. Software
Munch, a PacMan-like game (source code with Mignonette Game Library):
munch+test-for-mig-v2-v0.63.zip (source files, zipped)
3. Contributed Games
A number of people have written their own games for the Mignonette! All the games or demos below are for the Mignonette V2.0.

Tri2s, a Tetris-like game, written by Jegge:
tri2s-for-mig-v2-v0.07.zip (source files, zipped)

Marquee, a message scrolling demo, written by Jeffrey Carl Faden:
marquee-20111002.zip (source files, zipped)

Note: you will need an FTDI cable program these games into the Mignonette.
FTDI cables are available many places, including from Ladyada.
4. Arduino Bootloader
You probably won't need this.. but in case you do, here it is.

The Arduino Bootloader and its makefile are available here:
ADABootLoader.zip (zip file)

To program your Mignonette using the Arduino environment, or to program it directly with an FTDI cable, you will need to have an Arduino bootloader programmed into your Mignonette. Your Mignonette comes pre-programmed with an Arduino bootloader, but if you need to re-program an Arduino bootloader into your Mignonette, please see our programming page for complete programming instructions.

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(c) 2014 Mignonette Game Project (mignonette-game.com)